A superior way to market your brand
Email marketing is an effective way to get consumers from point A (their phone or computer) to point B (a website). We use an opt-in email database that targets consumer based on geography, demographics and lifestyle information. That way, you’re sending an email to people who want to read that email. Email marketing also helps business grow their CRM database for future marketing endeavors. An expanding and engaged CRM is an invaluable tool businesses can use to grow revenue.
We’re able to deploy email campaigns using our database of 150 million consumer emails and 30 million business emails. We can then target those users via display, social and addressable geo-fencing.

A superior way to market your brand
Email marketing is an effective way to get consumers from point A (their phone or computer) to point B (a website). We use an opt-in email database that targets consumer based on geography, demographics and lifestyle information. That way, you’re sending an email to people who want to read that email. Email marketing also helps business grow their CRM database for future marketing endeavors. An expanding and engaged CRM is an invaluable tool businesses can use to grow revenue.
We’re able to deploy email campaigns using our database of 150 million consumer emails and 30 million business emails. We can then target those users via display, social and addressable geo-fencing.

Successful businesses successfully use email marketing to grow their brand. It’s that simple.
*WBR Digital and Emarsys – “Adapting to the pace of omnichannel commerce”
of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly.
61% of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly.
38% of consumers say they would like emails to come even more frequently.¹
1- Marketing Sherpa
38% of consumers say they would like emails to come even more frequently.
1-Marketing Sherpa